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Employer Proposition

We help organisations design an attractive and engaging employer proposition using our unique diagnostic tool and strategies to help prioritise the elements of your proposition and design a roadmap for implementation to improve your attraction, retention and engagement strategies.

Cpl as an organisation, over 30 years has a deep understanding of the Irish, UK and European markets. Our expert consultants have combined experience working across all geographies across Europe, USA and Australia. The use of technology enables us to provide consultancy and advice virtually as well as in person.

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An Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is the set of unique financial and non-financial attributes that the talent marketplace and employees perceive as the value they gain through employment in a role. It is the fundamental driver of attraction, retention and engagement.

Many organisations focus on the external branding of their organisation rather than using their employees as their most vital marketing tool. As we move into the era of experience many organisations are striving to create a Destination Workplace that is attractive and driven by experience.

The full Employer Proposition is developed over 4 key steps:

Employer Proposition Key Steps
  1. Understand – Using workshops and our digital diagnostic we take seek to identify the key areas across the 20 pillars of EVP that are important for your business needs and goals. We also use engagement tools and expert facilitated workshops to understand more about both your internal and external brand.

  2. Design – Based on the output we design a bespoke EVP strategy and a framework of recommendations to build your personalised attraction strategy.

  3. Deliver – Working closely with leadership teams, marketing and communication teams to promote your brand both internally and externally.

  4. Review – Following the implementation of the proposed strategy we review internal and external perception of your brand and feedback to the leadership team. You should see significant improvements in both the perception of your brand and your attraction strategy.

Our Diagnostic Tools

Future of Work Institute recognises 20 EVP elements that are necessary for each organisation to provide to employees. Our unique diagnostic tool enables you as leaders, to pinpoint areas that you are doing well in and areas that need support.

Our employee diagnostic tool takes an employee engagement approach to assessing your eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) designed to assess whether employees are promoters of your brand or damaging it and thus impacting your attraction strategy.

Finally, we complete a full market analysis of your brand to understand how you are perceived in the market both positively and negatively.

Through this approach, organisations can identify areas that are impacting their brand and their inability to attract and maintain top talent. The goal of our approach is to help you become the employee of choice. Please email us to discuss further and to receive a sample report.

Our customised design process helps meet your needs by understanding the key areas of focus or challenge within your organisation, design the strategy to help address the specific employee challenges and measure the success of this against key markers.